Monday, March 2, 2009

Chemistry Lesson 2 March 2009

We did a concept map with Ms Jee in class today.

This is how it look like,reproduced in Paint :

Mole is not that hard afterall if we break it into smaller points using a concept map.

I also read today that in a neutralization reaction between ammonia and acid,such as sulphuric acid, we can't write H2O into the reaction equation although it is a neutralization reaction.


  1. Dude I can't even read anything there except for that particular smiley beside your name. Nvm then, I shall try harder to read.

  2. Ah boy ah, paint got the write text function. So please use it... Choose Times New Roman or sth, sth more readable... Take that thing you made for A lvls n I wont be able to copy from you...

  3. AI: If he has photoshop or flash I think he wouldn't need to bother the text function. Since both are mouse-friendly.
